Extending the cervical vertebrae

What does the tongue tell you?
May 30, 2018

Extending the cervical vertebrae

Each horse should be able to extend its cervical vertebra, but I find all too often that it is not possible for every horse.

There often is so much pressure on the cervical vertebrae, due to high a muscle tension of the lower muscles, for it to be possible to extend the cervical vertebrae. The cause of this can often be traced if I can examine the entire body. After a thorough study of the body, I usually find out why it happened. Often the cause lies in the C7-T1 spinal segment, but also very often in the jaw, neck or first cervical vertebra. And a crooked pelvis or a blocked SI joint can also lead to compensation, and therefore the body cannot be used in a proper way.

Usually it only takes a few adjustments to give the body back its freedom.

Biomechanics in a horse is very important. Which means; the back can only relax when the abdominal muscles are used in the right way and a proper lift of the withers is created. Like this, the C7-T1 spinal segment opens up in the right way and length can be made in the neck. The front leg is places exactly there where the nose of the horse is. So if the withers and back neatly bulge, the transition from the lumbar to the pelvis opens much easier and the pelvis can thus be tilted more easily, so it’s simpler for the hind leg to step under.

If an imbalance occurs in one of these parts, the other parts will react on it. The length in the neck is a very important part of this.

This does not mean that it’s all easy!!! … but who said riding is simple?!

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