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  • Regular massaging of your horse helps prevent injuries and ensures the well-being of your horse, which allows it to develop positively. Please consider the maintenance contract! Maintenance massages vary by horse. Once every three or four months will do for a horse used for pleasure riding, whereas a high-level sport horse will suffice with once every two to three weeks.
    - Jeroen Duenk
  • Back problems are quite common and they are often caused by tension in the horse's neck.
    - Jeroen Duenk
  • It’s possible that your horse suffers from a muscle problem. Even with vague symptoms, where the vet could not see a clear deviation or make a clear diagnosis, a sports massage could help.
    - Jeroen Duenk
  • 60% of the total body mass of a horse consists of muscles.
    - Jeroen Duenk
  • A muscle or tendon injury is often already present in latent form. Sports massage has a preventive effect. By massage, early muscle tensions are found and remedied before they can lead to real problems.
    - Jeroen Duenk
  • Muscle problems may be more common than you think. Stress arises due to these muscle problems. A horse is naturally a willing animal, but sometimes it will not (or no longer) be able to do certain exercises because of the association with pain.
    - Jeroen Duenk
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